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Office of Economic & Demographic Research
The Florida Legislature

  • calculator
  • aerial of Florida Keys
  • Florida Bridge at sunset
  • line chart showing increase
  • aerial of Miami
  • Dade Correctional Institution
  • seaoats at dusk
  • oil barrels stacked showing incline with graph and globe in background
  • foremen reviewing blueprints
  • lady teaching class
  • pennies stacked in ascending order
  • Shuttle launch
  • calculator
  • aerial of Florida Keys
  • Florida Bridge at sunset
  • line chart showing increase
  • aerial of Miami
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Census Data

Decennial Census - Data collected in the years ending in "0". These data include: population, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, households, families, relationship to householder, housing units, quarters population, housing occupancy and housing tenure. Data are available for a range of geographic areas and down to a very small census geographies (blocks).

2010 Census

  • 2010 Census Data [cfm]
    • Florida Population: Census Summary 2000 and 2010 [xls] [pdf]
  • 2010 Census Maps [cfm]
  • 2010 Census Related Sites/Reference Materials [cfm]
  • 2010 Census County Profiles [cfm]

2000 Census

  • County population by age, race, gender and Hispanic origin, 2000 Census [xls]
  • 2000 Census Components of Change [pdf]
  • 2000 Census Information [cfm]

American Community Survey (ACS) - Data collected monthly and reported annually based on the size of the area. Demographic and socio-economic data are reported for a wide range of subjects that includes: population, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, language spoken at home, educational attainment, employment status, commuting, income, households and families, school enrollment, veteran status, financial characteristics, occupancy characteristics, etc.

ACS data are available from the Census Bureau's website and some statistics are included in the county profiles.

Last Revised: September 2, 2021