Prohibits Possession of Defined Assault Weapons
Additional Information
EDR Notebook [pdf] - from the Formal Conference held September 9, 2019
Transmittal Letters with Financial Information Statement [pdf] - September 9, 2019
Handouts from the Principals' Workshop held September 5, 2019
- Statewide Economic Model Impact Projections
- 2019-20 Appropriations Table
- Discretionary Spending
- Summary Data on Manufacture
Handouts from the Principals' Workshop held September 3, 2019
- FDLE Sexual Offender and Predetory Registry Costs
- Background Checks Revision
- Sales Tax Impact
- Participation in Target and Sport Shooting
- Gun Equipment and Ammunition Revenue
- Recreational Hunting Sales
- Shooting Range Impact
- Manufacturer Employment Table
- Federal Contracts
- Non-Resident Hunters
- Driver's License Late Fees
REVISED Notice of Workshops and Conference [pdf]
Handouts from the Principals' Workshop held August 22, 2019
- Background Checks
- Five Year Background Check by Type
- Manufacture Greater then Twenty
- Small Arms Share of Contracts
- Companies with Matched FFL
Material Provided by the Sponsor for the Principals' Workshop held August 22, 2019
Handouts from the Principals' Workshop held August 16, 2019
- EDR--Amy Baker
- House--Don Langston
- Senate--Jose Diez-Arguelles
- Governor--Katie Cunningham
Last Revised: September 9, 2019